Monday, November 28, 2016

Hello Dear friends !

 In this opportunity i will be talking about my best holidays until now...
 It was amazing, i traveled with my boyfriend in ours summer vacations in february of this year.
We started in Santiago and there we hitch hiking to the south, It was a infinite Journey like 20 hours in differents cars and trucks, with sleep, hungry and heat, but it was worth it.
When we arrived to Puerto montt  we were so happy!!!  and then we traveled to  Chiloé, our first stop.
In Chiloé we remained like 3 days and i remember the incredible food, absolutly the best!
After to Chiloé we traveled to Frutillar and in this place we met a very friendly and nice people. And all days we cooked soups and noodles beacuse we did not has that much money but there was guitar and every  night next to the campfire we sang with our new friends, and well the most beautiful thing in this city was here magical lake, awesome.
Well, i could talk all day about this beautiful trip,.. <3  It was the most cool travel in my life, full of love, adventures & stories with the best parnert.
Ps. After  Frutillar we stayed in Valdivia one night in a camping with shower!!!!!  and  then we returned to my home in Angol like a week eating everything we did not eat on the trip ! 


  1. A very entertaining travel!
    The south of Chile is wonderful , and Chiloé have all the magic. When I travel to Chiloé I feel more powerful than ever, was amazing.

  2. Caro!!
    It was a nice experience this trip, and how nice is traveling with a good parnet!!!


  3. Hi, That trip sounds amazing,now I feel inspired to go in the future
    See you soon
