Friday, January 20, 2017

Hi dears :)

Finally this is the last blog and i am very relieved, but my relief is because my time was very limited this semester, i enjoyed writing on this plataform! The topics were very interesting to me, and i like english, but i think that i need more practice to speak fluently, maybe i need to travel to England!!!!
Most of my friends tell me that my best option is live in a place where the official language is english and then everything will be faster.
 I hope to have the opportunity to travel and know... and for this english is a very good tool, i should to continue with this practice, whatching series, play to speak all in english with my friends hahaha.
In this subject and throughout these semester i have learned to leave the shame aside when i speaking english in public, also i learn to write, this give me tools to better understand some readings of course in english.


Now,  we are ending this semester, and  i think that i will love to change the infrastructure of my faculty. Here we have no green areas, no place to be realax on windows and times to rest. I will love to been in Gomez Millas but that is a kind of promes that made every year the autorities of the university make and and ints never real. We allways start the year on the same horrible faculty.
About the curriculm of my carrear i think that its allmost perfect but i will love to change the subjetcs that i have with the sames profesor every year. For example Francisca Morand its a teacher of a lot of techniques, and its a very good teacher buet i get a little bit borred with the same persons every year in diferent subjects. She first star imparting Laban technique, then contemporany dance, then Physical conditioning, Contact imporvisation, and Release! And for this next acedemical year some theachers and academys are thinking on put this semester teacher on Dance Interpretacion. Its too much for me!
Talking now abut the technologies of my carrear i think that are very good cause we  have almost no needs on this subject. We just need space to dance, somo bigs romms, we need technologies just for the secretary and the air conditioner (that feels so good).
I wiill use this oportunity to said that we are allways in a precariousness state of  conditions. The departament of Dance never have money for do the presentattions of end of semester or for mantención of the infrastructure!

With all this things, i think in my last year and i hope to have to opportunity to be part of one or more changes, PLEASE!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Hello everybody!

In this nice day im talking about Queltehue, treile or tero tero, their different names are due to the location, queltehue is the name that he recibed in the central zone, treile (south zone) and tero tero in the southern zone.  Your scientific name is Vanellus Chilensis although it lives in open fields and even in urban areas, its presence is more usual in the vicinity of canyons and lagoons. He is also often seen as a pet in the gardens, because of his friendly movements, insect feeding and a very awake character that causes some to use it as a warning sing. Of elegant apparence, the queltehue is black & white of medium size, with long legs, 
Is one of  the most common bird in the Chilean territory and one of the characteristic inhabitants of fields and wetlands, can also be found in cities in meadows, park and open gardens. Perfect sentinel day and night, he is always very attentive to any sing of danger, inmediately throwing a  big squeal that alerts not only to others of its kinds but to the whole environment.

I choose this bird because its remind me when i was a little girl and my grandmother told me riddles every night... this is a very good memory and i appreciate be able to share this with you friends... The riddle was "pájarito tero tero, patitas colorás, caballito overo" it is so nice, very word, your connection, sound is very signivicative to me. 

Do this blog is a possibilitie to return to the universe and its beautiful peculiarities.

Hi friends!

In this time, my post will be a possibility to dream without limits :)

To start, all my life i have lived in a delicious environment, surrounded by green areas, nice people and many things that made my childhood a wonderful stage, but there is something missing and the work is one of the most scarce resources, so i decided to live in a different place, maybe out of Chile only because in need to know new places, new cultures and languages.

Thinking in all my needs New Zeland is a great place to live because i have met people who lives there and they told me very interesting things about the opportunities to work like a dancer, and this is only a possibility, but imagine me working with Maorì people and their beautiful culture, sharing knowledge, learning different things about their resistance as people and culture.

 But if i think more clearly, taking in consideration my family, my little brother and money, Chile always is the best place, obviously in the south and Valdivia could be my first option, i love its landscape, people, food and the culture development.
 When i finish college i plan travel to Cuba and Buenos Aires as first places to learning modern dance  and traditional dances in the case of Cuba and contemporary dance, tango and milonga in case of Buenos Aires, that will be so aweosome !!!!!!!!!!!!!  can't wait any longer...

I will like live in Valdivia with my little brother, hopefully he wants! that boy is the reason and motivation to never give up.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Hello dears!

In this ocassion i will be talking about one of my favourites series, the reason by wich this is because i love everything about her, your characters, actors, soundtrack, plot, etc.

Im talking about House M.D what was it an American television series realesed in 2004 by FOX created by David Shore, The central character is Dr Gregory House (Hugh Laurie) an ironic, satirical, unconventional medical genius who heads a diagnostic team at the fictional Princeton- Plainsboro University Hospital in New Jersey.

All episodes are different clinical cases where House and his team looks all the conecction to solve the puzzles... Maybe my addiction to this serie is because i love Hugh Laurie's character and sound of british English hahaha.

In particular with this serie i learned english, because the dialogues are very fast and all directly related to the body, so it was productive to spend hours and hours watching it. Even came a moment when i knew the diagnostic of almost all the chapters!

If we talk about movies, one of my favourites is V for Vendetta and León: The proffesional both with Natalie Portman  as protagonist. This movies in his time meant a lot to me, because in that time i am so delighted with the film word that i appreciated the passion and professionalism of the actors especially with Natalie Portman and his role in León with only 13 years old, absolutly a magnificent


To recommend some series so, here i leave a list of some that are very interest to me.

series: Breaking Bad is a classic, also i recommended Orphan Black because in one day i saw 10 chapters so is very good!!! and this serie talk about the black market of human cloning, is a very interesting plot. And finally if you enjoy suspense and fun American Horror History has to be in your list, i recommended it because i could get close to seeing things about "terror" like never before.