Friday, January 20, 2017


Now,  we are ending this semester, and  i think that i will love to change the infrastructure of my faculty. Here we have no green areas, no place to be realax on windows and times to rest. I will love to been in Gomez Millas but that is a kind of promes that made every year the autorities of the university make and and ints never real. We allways start the year on the same horrible faculty.
About the curriculm of my carrear i think that its allmost perfect but i will love to change the subjetcs that i have with the sames profesor every year. For example Francisca Morand its a teacher of a lot of techniques, and its a very good teacher buet i get a little bit borred with the same persons every year in diferent subjects. She first star imparting Laban technique, then contemporany dance, then Physical conditioning, Contact imporvisation, and Release! And for this next acedemical year some theachers and academys are thinking on put this semester teacher on Dance Interpretacion. Its too much for me!
Talking now abut the technologies of my carrear i think that are very good cause we  have almost no needs on this subject. We just need space to dance, somo bigs romms, we need technologies just for the secretary and the air conditioner (that feels so good).
I wiill use this oportunity to said that we are allways in a precariousness state of  conditions. The departament of Dance never have money for do the presentattions of end of semester or for mantención of the infrastructure!

With all this things, i think in my last year and i hope to have to opportunity to be part of one or more changes, PLEASE!

1 comment:

  1. :( I feel the same. I can imagine that you felt when you change of ARCIS.. in there was a beautiful yard.. :(
