Monday, December 19, 2016

Hello everyone!

Maybe i am the only  person who plan yours vacations with two or three months to advance, only because i need keep in mind the days to stay in Angol with my family and the days to go out...

Is very fun write about my summer holidays, because there give me the possibility to  review some details to my travel.
 In this opportunity i will travel to Chiloé, with my adored partner Mati, even though we visited Chiloé this year, is a good destiny to know each and every one of its most enchated places, we want to visit all island and enjoy obviously all types of sea food, potatos and chicha.
I remember when i went to Chiloé with my course of the school in 2012 and i ate the best curanto with chapalele and milcao of my entire life, is for this reason that i need come back to Chiloé, search the curanto of my dreams.

A interesting detail is that i don´t have money but i have a tent, sleeping bag and kitchenette, i dont need  anything more than this, ok, maybe i need money but i will try to reise money even if it´s selling my clothes, fortunately  i enjoy hitch hiking so i don´t have to pay for transport.

Also, in this short summer i would like to take advantage to rest althought the time was lomited, my perfect rest is stay in my bed watching series drinking the cold water of Angol (the best in the whole world) and eating cazuela everyday!!!! and all the vegetables and fruits from my grandfather´s garden.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Good Morning :)

In this nice day i will be talking about some postgraduate studies that i would really love to do in the next years...
I have like two possibilities of postgraduate, the first one is Chinese medicine, the last semester we had an amazing subject Chi-kung it was a incredible learning and one of my motivations to keep up with this. It was all conversations with our teacher, he opened a door in my mind to undesrtand a new universe. 
I haven't found out anything yet about price or some specific place when i would like study, but if i stand firm and with positives vibes and of course with money,  maybe i will travel to Chine for learn, that will be awesome!

In the other hand i will love to develop my management side, maybe some course where i will learn how write a good project and different things like thata, I prefer make this like a part-time course, beacause is boring but necessary, Always is necessary! because in some future i will like creat some kind of project to share dance in regions, maybe have a circus tent for dance wherever i go with my dancer friends. Of course that i need a great amount of money to develop this, and for this and another futures dreams, Do a postgraduate in managemet is a good option to consider.


Monday, December 12, 2016

Hello Dear partners :)

The truth is that i have not stopped to thinking about a dream job or something like that, but considering that i really enjoy cooking, I'd like to have a place where people enjoy a good dish an d a tasty drink. A kind of cultural house with daily menu.
To all dancers who loves food and that best that in your own place of training you can be served with a delicious lunch or dinner? Obviously with different beverages: Juices, tea, coffee, wine, beer, etcetera. And of course with any musician accompanying us.   ( Dreaming doesn't cost anything! )

On the other hand i would like to have the opportunity of learn to cook for them vegans and vegetarian friends, for this i should instruct me with some courses of kitchen or recipes reliable.

Because i like to enjoy... no better pleasure that eat and by eating i mean mostly to good food, perhaps is not somethingso distant to the reality, in fact i like the idea at some day in the future, to share my taste fort kitchen with my parnerts.

I remember when i was a little girl always thought to know the world and lear all dances, music and possible meals the we share different cultures, maybe is a dream level 10, but i would like travel , dancing and cooking.

PS: If someone is added to this project at some point is welcome like a hungry dancer, cook or musician !

Monday, November 28, 2016

Hello Dear friends !

 In this opportunity i will be talking about my best holidays until now...
 It was amazing, i traveled with my boyfriend in ours summer vacations in february of this year.
We started in Santiago and there we hitch hiking to the south, It was a infinite Journey like 20 hours in differents cars and trucks, with sleep, hungry and heat, but it was worth it.
When we arrived to Puerto montt  we were so happy!!!  and then we traveled to  Chiloé, our first stop.
In Chiloé we remained like 3 days and i remember the incredible food, absolutly the best!
After to Chiloé we traveled to Frutillar and in this place we met a very friendly and nice people. And all days we cooked soups and noodles beacuse we did not has that much money but there was guitar and every  night next to the campfire we sang with our new friends, and well the most beautiful thing in this city was here magical lake, awesome.
Well, i could talk all day about this beautiful trip,.. <3  It was the most cool travel in my life, full of love, adventures & stories with the best parnert.
Ps. After  Frutillar we stayed in Valdivia one night in a camping with shower!!!!!  and  then we returned to my home in Angol like a week eating everything we did not eat on the trip ! 

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Hello parnerts!

Today in my first blogsession i will like to talking about a "country i'd like to visit"

Many beautiful countries in the world and i don't have a favourite to go  there... maybe New Zealand is a good country to visit in some moment.

Resultado de imagen para new zealand

This country is located in Southwest of the Pacific Ocean formed by two large islands: the North Island and the South Island, along with many  smaller islands.

In maori is called AOTEAROA "earth of the great white cloud"

Absolutely this is the country of my dreams, i love mountain, hills, everything to  have trees and clean air.

I have the possibility to share with maorí people 2 years ago, in a Play of Santiago a mil called (I am Mapuche) in this project we knew a great part of this beautiful culture and i loved.

If i choose a nice place to know, this is my first option.